Danish Æbleskive (Aebleskiver) – The Ultimate Breakfast


This Danish treat is easy to make and wonderful.

It does take some practice to flip the  Æbleskive over, but 2 wooden skewers and patience and that part will be mastered by the second batch.

You will need the special pan – with the half holes in it and by slowly flipping the Æbleskive, a quarter turn every time, you get a round delicious treat that can be filled, dipped or eaten in a bite full….

Æbleskive in Danish means Apple Slices and they are usually filled with apples inside. It’s not a must but it adds a lot of flavor.

There are many different recipes for the dough mix, but I like to keep it simple and dairy free. The same recipe can be used for regular pancakes. For a dairy version, use regular milk instead of the rice/almond milk……

What you need:

The special Æbleskive pan I recommend the heavy bottom ones and not the thin ones as the heat is very important for these.

2 wooden skewers for flipping.

Oil for oiling the pan after each batch.

For the dough makes about 20:

2 eggs

1.5 cups flour

1 – 1.5 cups rice milk

1 tbsp. sugar

1 tsp. vanilla paste

For the apple filling:

Cut an apple into small squares and sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon.

Mix eggs, flour and 1 cup milk together.

Add sugar and vanilla.

Mix well and add additional milk as needed. The dough mix should be thick, but easy to pour.

The traditional recipe has buttermilk and cream, but as I said before, I prefer to make it dairy free and this version (or replace the rice milk with regular milk) tastes just as delicious.

Warm the pan for a couple of minutes on high heat. Oil the holes. I find it easiest to dip a paper towel in oil and wipe the pan holes.

Once it is hot, turn the heat down to medium.

Fill the holes a bit less than the top.



Once the dough is starting to dry on the sides, take the skewers and carefully push the Æbleskive a quarter turn.

This is the time for your additions; apples, strawberry, jam etc. and then keep turning so the filling will be inside the ball-shaped delights.

Every time the sides of the dough set, turn it another quarter.

As mentioned, patience and practice makes perfect.


Once they are ready, use the skewer to pick the Æbleskive up and place on a plate.


aeble2Dust with powdered sugar on top.

Can be enjoyed with Nutella, jam, honey, maple syrup, fresh fruit or on their own.

Start your day with these and nothing can go wrong….


3 thoughts on “Danish Æbleskive (Aebleskiver) – The Ultimate Breakfast

  1. Tal,

    I am blown away by this beautiful blog. It is so heartfelt, some of your family stories brought me to tears. The recipes look amazing, and I cannot wait to try them. I want to encourage you to consider publishing this as a cookbook/memoir book one day. It is very special.

    With love, your old classmate, Sara

    1. Sara,
      Wow! what can I say? You have really made my day and I love the idea of publishing it one day, even if it’s just for my kids…. when I’ll gather enough recipes.
      Thank you from the bottom of my heart, my friend!

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